
08 February 2013

My little Superman

Before our son was even born I often wondered how we should have him dress up on Halloween.  I wanted to wait until after he was born so we could see him and pick a costume based off of his personality.  Since the time we brought Rylan home from the hospital he stretches all the time.  He has the cutest stretches.  One of his stretches reminds me of Superman.  Thus, we came up with the perfect costume for our little Rylan.
SUPERMAN!  It only cost me 1 dollar!!! I already had the clothing items and felt at my house.  I just had to buy material for the cape.  Now that's my kind of costume. I am sure this will be the cheapest costume this little one will have!

 I made the "S" out of felt.  I cut the red out in one piece and then cut the sections of the yellow.  I then sewed the yellow pieces onto the red felt by hand.  I attached the "S" onto the onesie with zots (sticky dots). This way we could take the "S" off once we were done.

To make the belt, I just cut a strip and a circle. I sewed the circle onto the strip of felt and added a piece of velcro.  I only used the side of the velcro that does the sticky, since it sticks to the felt on its own!  To make the cape I free-handed the pattern.  I sewed to pieces together and turned it inside out.  I attached the cape on with safety pins.  

Isn't he one cute (and sleepy) superman!

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