
Spend Quality time with your young children and babies with these Free Activities

I have always been a very busy gal.  I have a hard time sitting down and relaxing.  Even if I am sitting in front of the television, I have to be do something else like folding laundry.  I taught second grade for 4 years and 2 weeks before my first son was born.  As a teacher you never have a moment to sit down.  You are teaching, moving all over the classroom helping and interacting with students, or gathering materials for upcoming lessons.  Once my son was born I had to learn that it is okay to not be moving constantly.  With a newborn that really just naps, lays around, and cuddles, I learned that it is necessary and okay to just sit and relax.  It is also critical that we spend lots of quality time with our little ones.  However, I am not one to just sit around.  I have a really hard time staying in my house all day.  I need fresh air, people interaction, and a change of scenery.  Also, my little guy is and always has been a busy, social, and active boy.  He must get that from his momma.  Although, as a child I was as shy as can be.  After a few months, I got really bored and tired of staying at home and having zero interaction with the world.  My husband is always busy studying or at school and my days started to drag on and I knew we needed change.  We needed social interactions, fresh air, change of scenery, exercise, and quality time together.  That's when I started coming up with things to do; me, as a new mom and my busy baby.  Here are some great activities to do with your baby or young children to keep your spirits high, stay active, interact with others, and spend quality time together. Another bonus, they are free!

1.  Library: I knew there were story times for young children, but did you know there are baby classes too!  At many libraries they have "Mommy and Me" story time.  Babies come with an adult for lap time.  We sing, have a short story, and then there is playtime.  This is a great way for parents to learn songs and activities to do at home with their baby/toddler.  It is also a good way for babies to start to learn how to play with other children and a great time for moms to socialize with other moms.  

2. Walks: Walks are phenomenal.  When my son was a newborn he would have moments during the day when he cried a lot.  Walks always calmed him down.  They were a great opportunity for me to spend time with my son but also have some time to "myself", get some exercise, and be outside.

3.  Parks: Many parks are for older children.  But there are quite a few that have infant swings.  Most babies love to swing.  I know my little guy does.  Slides are also fun for little ones to go down.  If your baby is too small to slide down, have him or her go down with you.  I love sliding down with my son and watching his huge smile.  Even just sitting on the grass for your infant to feel the grass, hear the birds chirp, see the dogs go by, and watch the kids play is a great learning opportunity and fun refreshing experience.

4. Malls: Many malls have play areas for kids.  These are great because they have cushioned floors (at least all the ones I've been to) to protect your child as they are developing motor skills.  Many of these play areas have small slides, tunnels, things to climb on, mirrors, and other interactive activities.  They are enclosed to help keep track of your kids.  I know it can get challenging with more than one child to keep an eye on.  The mall is a great option once the temperatures drop and the weather becomes gloomy.  You can also bring the stroller along and go for a walk in the mall.  Many malls open early for people to walk around.  This is a great way to get some exercise once the weather isn't optimal.  

5. Play Groups: My son is the only child.  He is also the only grandchild on both sides.  Thus, he doesn't have a lot of interaction with other children unless I put forth the effort.  My little guy is a social boy.  He loves interacting with other children and gets so excited when he sees other kids to play with.  Once I realized how much my son (12 months) loved to play with other kids I decided to start a play group.  I handed out flyers to friends and people at church.  I set a specific day and time each week.  We meet at the same park for a few weeks and then go to another park.  Once the weather gets to cold we will meet at our church.  You could also meet at someone's house.  Play groups are great for children to have the opportunity to play with other children their similar ages and for moms to get some girl time too.  

6.  Exercise Groups: When my son was about 6 months old I started going to a dance/aerobic class at our church.  Another mom started and taught the class.  Women were invited to come for an hour to exercise while the children played in the back of the gym or did tummy time on the side.  I loved this opportunity to exercise, get out of the house, and my son loved seeing other babies and watching other children play.

7. Wheeler Farm: Wheeler Farm is a farm that is free to go to and is open every day of the year.  You are free to walk around and look at all their animals.  They also have a park and area to eat lunch.  Their address is 6351 South 900 East, Salt Lake City, UT.  Check out Wheeler Farm's Website.


8.  Outside Play Time: Take your baby outside and let him or her sit on a blanket or in a high chair.  Blow bubbles, play with a ball, or let him or her finger paint.

I hope we will all put forth a little more effort to spend quality time with our little ones.  It is important that we do things with them that helps them learn and develop.

If you have any other great ideas of what to do with your baby or young children, please comment and share! 


  1. Wheeler Farm is so perfect for little ones!

  2. I live less than 5 minutes from Wheeler Farm and love it! All these suggestions are great. My daughter loves to do all of them too.
